Chanel Dilecta Ring for 2nd phalanx "Note" in 925 Silver and Natural Pink Sapphires

A Chanel Dilecta idea's, a ring that expresses all her love for music. The ring represents a musical note set with two pink sapphires for a total of 0.08 carats. The enamel makes them even more modern and flamboyant. The ring is worn on the 2nd phalanx and not as a normal ring in 1st phalanx. Tell us the finger size from 2 to 10. The delivery time for this ring is 20 days.


Type: Fashion Accessory
Size: XX
0,00 €
Managment & Production Costs
Sayes Gain
82,60 €
15,70 €
21,63 €

Total Price:

VAT included

119,93 €
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Today's Gold Rate

Actual value
86,76 € / g
Value of yestarday
86,15 € / g
Gold Rate Difference
0,62 € / g

Price Composition

0,00 €
Managment & Production Costs
82,60 €
Sayes Gain
15,70 €
21,63 €


Quality, Excellence and Transparency, Made in Italy

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