Solitaire Ring Certificate su montatura Violet in Pink Gold 18 kt con White Diamond 0.30Ct / G / SI1 - Certificati: IGI, GIA, HRD - Weight: 0.03g - Price: 1.655,49 €
Solitaire Ring Certificate su montatura Violet in Pink Gold 18 kt con White Diamond 0.30Ct / G / SI1 - Certificati: IGI, GIA, HRD - Weight: 0.03g - Price: 1.655,49 €
Solitaire Ring Certificate su montatura Violet in Pink Gold 18 kt con White Diamond 0.30Ct / G / SI1 - Certificati: IGI, GIA, HRD - Weight: 0.03g - Price: 1.655,49 €
Solitaire Ring Certificate su montatura Violet in Pink Gold 18 kt con White Diamond 0.30Ct / G / SI1 - Certificati: IGI, GIA, HRD - Weight: 0.03g - Price: 1.655,49 €

Solitaire Ring "Violet" Pink Gold 18 kt White Diamond 0.30Ct Certificate


Specification Ring

Type: Solitaire Ring
Setting: Violet
Size: 23 Size Guide
Material: Pink Gold 18 kt
Weight: 5.11g
338,04 €



Gemstone (1x): White Diamond / 0.30 ct / G / SI1
Total Carats: 0.30ct
Minimum Ensured carat
Certificate igi gia hrd
474,87 €
Managment & Production Costs
544,05 €
298,53 €
Public Average Market price: 2.271,92 €

Total Price:

VAT included

1.655,49 €
Savings: 616,43 €
We'll need time to bring your jewel to life.
Shipment is expected to be on 11/03/2025

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Different Materials

Price Composition

338,04 €
474,87 €
Managment & Production Costs
490,48 €
Sayes Gain
53,57 €
298,53 €
Sayes Price
Public Average Market price
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